Monday 5 December 2016

MAC users - How to install CWCOM on MAC machine

.....Download the CWCOM  installer from

Ignore the "oops" message, 

but click on the blue DOWNLOAD button...  


Another site to download from.....
 Scroll down the page a bit, on the right hand side, is a small 
window "WINDOWS EXECUTABLE FILES" Click on the Windows Executable   2 files, 
and then choose either 1.5 ( latest & last version ) 
or 1.47 the earlier version. 





2. Click on “Download” on the left hand menu panel

3. Scroll down to this line ….


    To download the latest CW Communcator release click HERE

4.  Click on the red word “HERE”…..

5.    cwcom download panel….    

Click  “Save File”… after short time it will be ready to “install”

Follow guidelines to install,….   

After install.... click the icon to  "open" cwcom.... then click on the "world" icon next to the black square in the top left corner.... this is the "Connect" window...

 You can edit the "Address" window....

          MAKE SURE THAT YOU USE THE CORRECT  "Remote Details" on the "Connect" window ... 

the Address box should read ...... >   [ ] 

 not   [


 NOTE.... once you have installed CWCOM.... you should then proceed to PAGE4  ( settings and Configurations),
 and do the "CONFIGURATIONS" as listed... before trying to use CWCOM.

EDIT EDIT   03 MARCH 2019 

Another way has been passed to me...for

.. MacOS Mojave (Version 10.14.3 (18D109)

Scroll down the page to the one with pics ! ! .

( Thank you to:-  Atharva, KC1KVX )

This tutorial was sent to me, by Kurt (OE1UKB), who has kindly given me permission to copy and paste it, for the use of other MAC users who would want to use CWCOM on there machines.

Thank You Kurt... much appreciate your time and effort.

(A second (more simple) method is detailed at the end of this one ).....
(scroll down to the ****************************** )

EDIT EDIT EDIT .... 28 December 2017.....

You may need to install "Wineserver"   and also  set your firewall


How to install CW Communicator on a Mac using wine

Tested with Mac OS 10.11.6 and wine 1.7.55-staging
by Kurt, OE1UKB

1. Install wine

Download an installer package (.pkg) for Mac from www.winehq.comDouble-click on the pkg file to install wine. (If you have an older version of wine on your system you must first deinstall it.)
Try to find where wine was installed to: Open the Terminal (from the Utilities folder), list the contents of the /usr/local/ directory by typing
> ls /usr/local
(Do not type the “>”, this is just symbolizing the prompt in the Terminal.)

Any directory there starting with wine? /usr/local is the default installation directory according to the documentation on winehq, however in my case it was installed to /opt/
> ls /opt/
There is a directory wine-staging (or wine-something else). Move to this directory, to the subdirectory /bin, so I had to type
> cd /opt/wine-staging/bin
Run winecfg by typing
> winecfg
This creates a hidden directory ./wine in the home directory of the user with several configuration files.
Go to your home directory:
> cd ~
(You will get “~” on the Mac by typing alt+n.) You can see the .wine by typing
> ls -al
Now type
> wine --version
If an error message comes up (command not found) you must add the path to your wine directory. For that purpose, you must work from an Admin account with a password (change as needed in the System Preferences, Users & Groups).
> sudo nano /etc/paths
You will be asked for the password, enter the password of your account. The paths file comes up. Add a line with the path to your wine directory, in my case /opt/wine-staging/bin. Exit with Ctrl+x, confirm to save the file.
Check if it works, e.g. by typing
> wine --version

2. Install CW Communicator

Move the file to some place you can easily find on your computer. I put it in Documents.
Run wine with the installer.
> wine /Documents/cwcom_inst.exe
Confirm all questions and the program should be installed. You can check it by typing
> winefile
This will open a Windows-Explorer window in which you can move to a C: drive, go to Program Files, MRX Software, CWCom and there you will find cwcom.exe. By double-clicking you can start the program.

3. Add com port support

Before you can use your key connected via some USB to serial adapter you need to add a link. I tried both a FTDI chip adapter (FT232) and a Prolific chip (PL2303) adapter. First make sure you have the latest drivers for your adapter on your Mac (get it from the chip set vendor). If you have to update the driver, do a restart afterwards.
Plug in your adapter to some USB and type
> ls /dev/
Look for some tty.usbserial… My Prolific adapter showed up as tty.usbserial, the FT232 as tty.usbserial-FT93YK06
Now change to your this directory:
> cd .wine/dosdevices/ 
Create a link to the adapter there:
> ln –s /dev/tty.usbserial com1
Or whatever your device is called. The above links the Prolific adapter with COM1. You could add another adapter as COM2.
Now, if you start cwcom.exe (via winefile) you can select COM1 and it should work.

4. Make a shortcut to start the program

10.1 Instructions on making .app file launcher
This is for real Wine, installed to /usr/local. It can be modified to work with Macports Wine.
  • open up Apple's Script Editor
    • in Mac OS X 10.6 to 10.9 this is "/Applications/Utilities/Applescript"
    • in Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 this is "/Applications/AppleScript/Script"
    • in Mac OS X 10.10 and up, this is "/Applications/Utilities/Script"
  • Copy and paste the following code into Script Editor:
on run
   --edit this to be the correct location and file to run (typically only edit after the "drive_c")
   set toRun to "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgramName.exe"
   --edit winePrefix if you are not using the default prefix
   set winePrefix to "$HOME/.wine"
   --edit wineLocation if your wine install is not the default location
   set wineLocation to "/usr/local/bin"
   --edit dyldFallbackLibraryPath to your X11 lib folder, this one is set for XQuartz on 10.6+
   set dyldFallbackLibraryPath to "/opt/X11/lib"
   set toRunPath to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR%/*}\""
   set toRunFile to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; TEMPVAR2=\"" & toRunPath & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR#$TEMPVAR2/}\""
   do shell script "PATH=\"" & wineLocation & ":$PATH\"; export WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" & dyldFallbackLibraryPath & "\"; cd \"" & toRunPath & "\"; wine \"" & toRunFile & "\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
end run
  • Edit the program per the directions in the lines that start with --
  • if everything is default, you only need to edit the "set toRun" line
  • After you have edited it for your program, save it as an "Application" (not a script) in the script editor
  • this will create a .app for you that you can double click to run what you specified.
It might start up a bit slow with no visual indicators... sometimes, be patient

I only had to change the line with the path to the program to
set toRun to "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/MRX Software/CWCom/cwcom.exe"

Export it as Application (.app) and that’s it. Double-click to start cwcom.
Finally, you can change the icon of this app, see again the instructions at winehq:

Optional: Changing the icon of the launcher file
On the Mac Os X, it is possible to change the icon of any file to anything you desire.
NOTE: In some cases, your custom icon will not display if launcher file has extension. Refer to previous steps on how to rename the launcher.
Look into the hidden `~/.local/share/icons/` directory, where Wine keeps the icons created by application installers (.xpm and .png files); they would display on a Linux desktop.
In some cases, you will need to manually extract the icon from the .exe file. This can be done using tools like Resource Hacker. This tutorial, however, will not cover the process of doing it. It is assumed, that you have the application icon in the `.ico` or `.png` format.
Now that you have your icon file ready, open it with the Preview. In case of .ico it might have multiple frames/images inside, select appropriate one. Press Command+C (Edit>Copy). Next, in the Finder, click on the launcher file, then press Command+I (Get Info). In the top left corner of the launcher info, there will be a small image showing current icon, click on it to highlight it. Press Command+V to paste your icon. If everything goes well, the icon of your launcher will change.

73 & good luck!


This method was supplied by Tony / G4FAI.... 
Thank you, Tony, for your input and support....  

A simpler way to install CW Communicator on a Mac is to use a ready made convertor which will do all the work for you.
This is an App from the Mac App Store called WinOnX, based on the open source Wine project. It enables many Windows programs, especially older ones to run on a Mac computer and, fortunately, CwCom is one of those programs!
Mac users will know about the App Store and will have an account with it. 

1. Simply pay the £7.99 (U.K. GBP ) cost and download the App.
It will install itself on the Mac in the usual way and place a link on the desktop.sidebar.

2. Download CwCom ( ). 

Or from any of the aforementioned sites at the start of this page...

A CwCom icon will appear in the Downloads Box. Alternatively, find it in Finder/Downloads.

3. Click on the icon. It will open in WinOnX. Follow the usual instructions to install CwCom.

4. To run the program open WinOnX from the desktop. Find the CwCom icon in the WinOnX display. Click on it and the program will run.

  NOTE.... once you have installed CWCOM.... you should then proceed to PAGE 2  ( settings ) of this blog and check out the contents... then proceed to  PAGE 5 and do the "CONFIGURATIONS" as listed... before trying to use CWCOM.


Another way to install CWCOM  

CWCom on Mac By Atharva (KC1KVX)

My setup:
MacOS Mojave (Version 10.14.3 (18D109)

  1. Download Winebottler from
  2. Download Stable release. The current version as of today (21/02/2019) is 1.8.6-Stable
  3. Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the Wine to Applications directory. No need to drag Winebottler to Applications.

  1. Go to Finder —> Applications —> Right click on Wine and click open
    1. A window saying “Wine cant be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed” would pop up. Click Open
  2. Close everything
  3. Download cwcom. Right click on cwcom_inst.exe —> Open with —> Wine.
  4. Click on Go: 

8. It would process the files and say "Prefix Created successfully"

9. Cwcom installer will start automatically.

10. Proceed with installation 
11. After installation is finished, everything will close.
12. Open Finder —> Click on Go on the top menu —> Click on Go to Folder
13. Type ~ and click Go 

14. Select folder
 Wine Files —> drive_c —> Program Files —> 
      MRX Software —> CWCOM
15. Double click on cwcom.exe
16. Click on Go and It will launch CWCOM 


  1. I get the following error "zsh: bad CPU type in executable: wine" trying to install using wine on a Mac with Big Sur 11.0.1 Intel Core i7. I have seen discussions that this is related to 32 bit app on a 64 bit only OS. Any suggestions? Also I am unable to open most of the downloads with RAR Extractor except for the two on this site. I get the above error on both the 1.4.7 as well as the 1.5 version. Constantine KC8JXA

  2. Unfortunately, CWCOM is 32 bit only, ( I think, as it was written by an Australian Radio Ham for Windows 95 )... I am not a MAC user so I am unable to advise what to do.... The only suggestion is to (maybe) dual boot with another MAC operating system, as detailed above, and hopefully you should be able to use CWCOM with that.
    Good Luck... hope you get it sorted... ( Maybe on a MAC user forum ? )
